Return Policy

Eligibility for a return to Gold Heart Club

For a return to be eligible at Gold Heart Club, the item and order must meet the following criteria:

1) The return request must be made within 10 days following the shipping date.

2) The item must not be worn, washed or altered

3) The labels must still be affixed to the item

4) The item must not be part of a sale, promotion or reduction since these are final sales.

5) In order to process your request efficiently, please note that shipping costs for returns and exchanges are the responsibility of the customer.

To obtain a return label, please contact We will provide you with all the necessary instructions to complete the return or exchange.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Steps to an eligible return to Gold Heart Club

1) Contact us by email at indicating:

(Full name, order number, the item you wish to exchange and/or return and the reason for the return)

2) Please allow 24/48 hours for a response from our team.

3) Once our team has received your email, we will inform you of the steps to follow in order to make the return.

4) Once the return is received at our workshop, please allow us a maximum of 10 days for us to inspect and process your return.



* By completing a return to Gold Heart Club, you agree to the terms of the return policy. If the return does not meet the above criteria, the return will be rejected and an exchange/credit will not be issued. Gold Heart Club will not return returned merchandise.

* Gold Heart Club assumes no responsibility for packages or items lost, stolen or stuck in transit during return delivery. You must provide a tracking number when returning the order.